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tv   KRON 4 News at 8  KRON  August 11, 2012 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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out but the little guy is still stuck. finally after even more wiggling, the not so great escape. feel bad for the little guy. got to get a smaller
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fog should be cleared away pretty quickly. around 9:00 a.m. sunshine and more hard temperatures. >>vicki: still ahead will look at how many white supremacists used to be in the military are now being watched by the fbi. we will show you how recent temperatures are affected for one of america's import waterways. >>stanley: 880 has a high level of big rig and vehicle accidents. we will explore why in the next edition of people behaving badly. the giants in action today.
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must be nice, cheering on team usa from the shallow end. back in '08, we didn't have these u-verse wireless receivers that let you move the tv around wherever. no siree, bob. who's bob? and if you didn't have a tv outlet, well then you couldn't watch diddly-squat. you talk a lot. you have no idea how good you have it. that's not working. [ grunts ] [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver, only from at&t.
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get a free wireless receiver with a qualifying u-verse plan. rethink possible. consider the journey of today's athletes. their training depends on technology. and when it takes a battery, there are athletes everywhere who trust duracell. they rely on copper to go for the gold. duracell. trusted everywhere. and soon...even more reason to trust duracell. duralock power preserve. it locks in power for up to 10 years in storage. guaranteed. duralock. coming soon to every duracell battery.
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>>vicki: school supplies caned. be a burden, in san francisco hundred students will be prepared to think to a program called more magic. they bought 400 backpacks and filled them with supplies. drivers are trying to break what they're calling the school to present pipeline. >> reading scores project how many prisoners affair will have to. >> in addition to backpacks they distribute hundreds of polish shirts. the giants are now learned in first place in the division.
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rockies tomorrow. the oakland a's also won their game tonight. >> really hot temperatures inland, cooler by the coast. i will you know floorboard to be hotter or fall for tomorrow. what tests
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>>vicki: the nbi -- the fbi has ended their on-site probe at the seat tensile and wisconsin. investigators are still busy digging into the past of the suspected shooter. he was a 40 year old army veteran who police say was a lone gunman and evidence suggests was a white supremacist. >> his belief in white power is tattooed all over his body but back at fort bragg you cannot tell by looking at him. >> he did not have the tattoos while he was in the army. >> he was not shy about sharing his views.
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>> he would often mention the racial holy war that was coming. >> he started identifying with the neo-nazi movement while in the army. he taught african-american soldiers got preferential treatment. >> he told me at one point, if you join the military and you are not aist, you will be by the time you leave. >> the fbi had identified hundreds of veterans involved in incidents. small numbers of white supremacists have infiltrated most parts of the military to. while he was at fort bragg, three soldiers were caught and convicted of murdering a black couple outside of the state's theory is all or identified as a neo-nazi skinheads.
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fact >> this is a former marine and skinhead that says some military units ignored racism. >> used to hang a swastika. everyone in my unit knew it. the only time asked me to take the dow was with a commanding general came through. >> that is not to say it happens across the board,
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>> it is a all day around the bay area in some places. in other places a scorching hot stay. temperatures in the '50s. once you go inland is a different story. right now 95 degrees. we have a big spread on temperatures. 50s at the coast into triple digits inland. for tonight, a meteor shower taking place.
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>> here is the satellite view. fog at the coast. as we get closer to 9:00 the bay fog should be gone. tomorrows temperatures will be once again in the '80s for the south bay. low 90s in the south.
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okay, here's the plan.
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you have a plan? first we're gonna check our bags for free, thanks to our explorer card. then, the united club. my mother was so wrong about you. next, we get priority boarding on our flight i booked with miles. all because of the card. and me. okay, what's the plan? plan? mm-hmm. we're on vacation. this is no plan. really? [ male announcer ] the united mileageplus explorer card. the mileage card with special perks on united. get it and you're in.
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>>stanley: pay attention to the volkswagen to the right of your screen. if the driver sees in the big rig but instead of yielding to the semi hit a salary scanned passes. half an officer from the oakland office of the california highway patrol will have a chat with the driver. cliffs >>caller: the big rig has the right of way. >>stanley: 880 has a large amount of big rig and car collisions. the chp is trying to prevent that.
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this white pickup truck just changed lanes and cut off a big rig. sixth >> i tried to avoid the traffic in front of me. >>stanley: this driver was issued a warning. ha >>gary: it is not just car drivers, this truck driver wrote it is appalling to closely. big rigs are not permitted, and the number 1 or no. 2 lanes. but all >> i tried to get over the cars ignore our blinkers.
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>>stanley: yes, that is a big problem. >>vicki: if you have a comment or story idea for stanley, e-mail us. coming next we will talk with a political expert about all right. mitt romney is vice presidential pick. we also will be talking about a mighty good cup of coffee in this week's dyne and dish.
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fourth pfft
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>> it is an honor to announce my running mate in the next vice-president of the united states, paul ryan. >> mitt romney announced his running mate congressman paul ryan. the two are now embarking on a 40, for state tour. >> romney had no choice, he had to do something bold and decisive. this is something that he absolutely had to do.
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i think he compliments romney in that he brings the stability to its conservative base. he thinks a young, right wing running mate >>vicki: can you tell us more about lions? >> the number one idea that the democrats will be focusing on was the idea to make medicare a voucher
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program, basically take it out of being an entitlement and turned it into a voucher debate u-turn in the still lists on how much you the justices to the atheists he is also about reducing taxes which is big for the gop base. he wants to cut the index from 35 ft. to 25 ft. and basically in order to help pay for that under his plan the budget will not a balance for 30 years because they are anticipating that it will spur the economy over time >>vicki: no quick fixes? >> other than a giant meat cleaver to the federal budget. >>vicki: how will this affect independent voters?
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>> that will be the big issue. his gamble is this, i will insure my conservative base. that way i can go after the moderates and independents on the economy. airborne to make the economy the number-one issue. the problem is his running mate is all about how your point to run the economy. that is what the obama campaign was happy about in terms of this trace. so
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>> they will be going after the medicare issue hard in florida. mitt romney needs to 1/4 to win this election. ron >>vicki: obviously he was picked for other qualities, he is the of and smart but he is not in washington inciting eliminate >> his budget is a draconian. it basically says we're going to cut taxes, make medicare a voucher program. he initially mean social security volunteer but has backed off that.
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it is going to be interesting. have given it harder for the obama campaign to go at romney. he will muftis at the convention. >>brian: we have some fog at the golden gate. and " it is making for cool temperatures at the close. upper 50s and low 60s. coffee inland temperatures are above 50 degrees warmer. well over 100 in livermore and fairfield.
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as we go into the afternoon look for sunshine and more hot weather inland. >> everyone is inside at the
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>>vicki: gas prices have been affected by the chevron
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refinery fire. the average price is up $4.70. an increase of 155 in the last week. in oakland, $4 even. if you are looking for the cheapest prices in the area grant lodes tells us how to find them. >> our gas price locator is helping people find the cheapest gaster of the bay area. the darkest read indicates the most expensive gas. the orange and yellow indicates a cheaper gas. click this button to zoom in. you can see actual prices throughout the bay area.
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>>grant: here are the cheapest set up base stations. this gas price locator is agreed to also help you navigate these tough times and hopefully save some money at the pont. >>vicki: the mighty mississippi is not some mighty these days. the weather in shrinking one of the world's greatest waterways. >> the weather was hot in
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the east bay inland valleys. must be nice, cheering on team usa from the shallow end. back in '08, we didn't have these u-verse wireless receivers
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that let you move the tv around wherever. no siree, bob. who's bob? and if you didn't have a tv outlet, well then you couldn't watch diddly-squat. you talk a lot. you have no idea how good you have it. that's not working. [ grunts ] [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver, only from at&t. get a free wireless receiver with a qualifying u-verse plan. rethink possible.
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>>vicki: the national oceanid in atmospheric decision says this past july was the hottest let ever for the u.s. and most of the nation is suffering since the mid-1950s. we already know what the lack of rain is doing to farmland. >> we're on the bridge as the capt. threads a string of barges along the shrunken this is a the river. >> it is a little shallow. >> and his 28 years of piloting towboats he has never seen the mississippi dropped so far, so fast.
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>> my biggest worry is unexpectedly hitting a shallow spot. >> ahead he has heard the river is only 9 ft. deep. over the last two weeks, boats and barges have been running aground in nearly every day. huge areas of riverbeds are now exposed.
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>> everyone has to lighten their loads.
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>> it would take 20 in. of rain to make the river right but that is not in the forecast. long-range predictions actual show the river dropping more. >> and a lot of hard rubber trees in the bay area. cool and golden gate park today. inland towards livermore and fairfield and we saw numbers well over 100.
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temperatures right now in golden gate park in the low 50s. this is the outside land music festival going on. more sunshine in the afternoon for sunday. a lot of fog to start the morning.
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as we get to next week will see a gradual cooling trend. clear conditions in the central valley. showers and thunderstorms, and of today. as the fall the advances, we are clear. the fog lenders into the afternoon. we will see sunshine later into the day. it touches us up there pretty warm, about the same as today. mid-look for 100 in antioch and livermore. stethoscope will reach 70 for tomorrow.
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monday tuesday and wednesday notice with this a couple of degrees inland. >>vicki: you may wonder how video game creators make the people of us will look so real, here's a look at the technology e a sports uses. >> you are about to check out the technology behind one of the hottest games on the market. this game has sold more than 10 million copies since debuting last year. >> it is popular because of the realism.
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we're getting a lot closer to being able to create digital doubles. >> a set up equipment like this wherever they can. players come and and they will sit down. there are surrounded by digital cameras. >> really we distich pictures. they all fire at the same time. if we take the pictures of their face in the merged together.
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>>vicki: a new place to love for coffee lovers.
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a brand new coffee house in san francisco. fe " if bear act what
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>>vicki: when word was out there within a coffee house in the city, i had to check it out. it is called machine on market street. it attracted these java and junkies.
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the atmosphere it includes a lot of the street activity. besides coffee you can also pick up a gourmets sandwich. some >> we too are our own needs and cut our own to a. it has agreed homemade feel. some to find out more, visit our web site,
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and cliff of design in the disk if famine in san francisco, the largest celebration of filipinos. some 70,000 full are expected of the next couple of days.
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